a first for me
it was the first type of game I played like this and I rather liked it. nice work
a first for me
it was the first type of game I played like this and I rather liked it. nice work
maximum fun
wow that was the funnest spot the difference I have played. the hardest was the one offs. Nice work
I realy like your game style
it is good to see she had a change of heart. If only he could too. Oh well still nice and suspenseful. I hope you make more adventures. Maybe an elf/ drow one wink wink nudge nudge. lol
simply brilliant. It was clear, detailed, and deverse. wonderful game good humor too. Oh I might just mention that the link to the walkthrough didn't work for me but I found this one that did the trick nicely http://www.escapegames24.com/2006/09/
so glad I found you
they way you showed us how to make impressive art for our animations is amazing. This will be a great help to me in future. Thanx for sharing
very helpful :)
wow buddy this was very good. I am afraid of perspective so I was glad to come accross this as it will make things easier for me in future. Cheers buddy
I am a fantasy junkie. I love elves and drow. So if you got elf or drow flashies then NOTE ME
Joined on 11/8/07